quad quake manual - page 2 - Marine

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Marine Corp of Engineers #305. An axe, a nail gun, a flame thrower. Your no rifle man. What are you doing on the front lines? No time for questions. Grab those tools and get to work.

Health : 100

Ammo: Nails, Shells, Rockets

Hand to Hand Wepon : Axe

Missilse Weapons : 3

Speacial Wepaons : 2

Speacial Abilities: None


Axe - Been through four handles, and three heads, and she's still good as new.

Assault ShotGun -Rapid fire shot-gun for the Militia minded.

NailGun -Perfect for wood, paneling, and the flesh of your blood foes.

UberNailGun - Twice the work in half the time. Norm Abrhams STEP OFF!!

Flame Thrower - The QuigMaster BBQ300G The BEST flame thrower in the Quake world.

Fusion Grenade - Toss it and RUN!!!


- A lot of fire power in a little package, the Marine is at his best skulking in the shadows until he can open fire. Outfitted with a range of automatic weapons, the Marine has more real fire power than anyone else.

- Save the nails for long-range attack. The assualt shot gun is terrifying close-in, but looses effectiveness at greater ranges.

- The flame thrower can be used not only in direct attack, but also to form a barrier, or lite your way through dark passages.

- Nuclear weapons are fun! fun! fun!, but always have adult supervision. That grenade can clear a room. Make sure you have plenty of room to RUN! And NEVER throw it directly at your enemy. Not unless your forty feet away. Under cover.


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